Thursday, August 31, 2006


Qi Huan will be departing tomorrow at 3.20pm.
Let's all wish her good luck, pray for her a safe and comfortable life at Taiwan.

Forever a dearest member of the family of The Summer'Singers.

Must Take Care O Qi Huan!! ^_^


  1. thank you so much for everything ^^
    it was both fun and memorable haha..singing at the baskin robbins' place ;)

    it's 3.20pm flight tomorrow and i hav to be there at 12.30pm to meet my friends who are going together.

    if i hav the time, i'll post my photos and write something in my blog de la :

    please leave comments if anyone visit it :) so i know, ok??

    add oil together orr, summers!~~
    best regards ^^

  2. Anonymous2:15 pm

    all the best!

  3. aiya, i am not there.that day my bro birthday o
